Concrete Scanning
ProMark Locating’s cutting-edge concrete scanning services offer unparalleled accuracy and reliability for your commercial and residential construction projects. Utilizing advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology, we provide precise subsurface mapping, pinpointing rebar, cables, and other structures without invasive measures.
Ground Penetrating Radar, or more commonly, GPR, is an advanced tool in the hands of today’s professionals. Unlike older x-ray methods, GPR allows professionals to scan and interpret the subsurface in real-time, with no need to wait for a traditional x-ray image to develop. It also comes without the radiation risk of traditional x-ray methods, making it safer, faster, and more cost-effective.
Utility Location
The experienced professionals at ProMark Locating will ensure that you know everything that could pose a danger in the subsurface, including fiber optic cable, gas lines, water lines, sewer lines, and more!